Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week One of Seven's 30 Day Curly Girl Challenge

- I will be using Tresemee Naturals Moisturizing Conditioner for my co-washes,
Olive Oil Eco Styler Gel for my Styler, and my fingers to detangle.  To set my
curls, I will shake my hair side to side, front to back, upside down, and around
in a circle.  I will not touch my hair until it is fully dry.

- Once my hair is dry I will scrunch with grapeseed oil or coconut oil.

- I will spritz and seal my hair every morning.  I will use oil on my scalp nightly
as well.  I will sleep with a satin bonnet.

- I will be co-washing my hair 2 to 3 times per week (most likely Sunday,
Wednesday and Friday).

- For those that care, I would classify my hair as 4b/4c hair (B on the top and
back, C on the crown and sides).

I'll be doing other videos that show my regimen step by step, how my hair looks before the gel and after the gel, the hair shake, and my second and third day hair.  Enjoy!


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